Ruth Minto, sales assistant and Chloe Townsley, accounts assistant work together to keep Silvery Tweed running smoothly at a business level. Here is what a day in their life looks like…
Chloe: The first thing I do once I’ve powered up my computer is to check for any emails that may have come in overnight and early in the morning. It does happen! But really, the first job is to print documents ready for processing throughout the day. This will include invoices, statements, and any banking-related paperwork. The invoices go to Ruth, while I process payments onto customers’ accounts. Next, it’s time for a coffee!
Ruth: My start is very similar to Chloe, apart from I start my day with coffee. I will check for new orders, and put them on the system ready for processing, by me, throughout the day. Along with checking my emails for any queries, that I send to the correct department, I record and post the invoices from Chloe out to customers.
Chloe: My next job is to sort through the post and deliver it around the company to the correct people. It is nice to see all the different faces within Silvery Tweed. I then get back to my computer, check for any new emails, go through statements, and make sure we have the invoices required, plus visit any client portals to download orders and upload invoices. I will pass the orders on to Ruth for processing and liaise with our technical department and customers regarding any enquiries that we may have had in relation to invoices that would hold up processing. My next task is to create any commercial invoices for orders going to customers outside the UK. These then get sent over to the haulier who will be making the delivery.
Ruth: I process all sales orders that come in and let customers know that these have been received and then confirm back to them when the expected delivery date is. For raw materials we need to buy in, I will process the purchase orders and invoices and they are then ready for Chloe to then organise the payment. If I have any supplier-customer queries, I will check with Chloe and vice-versa. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Chloe: This afternoon I am processing the company credit cards, receipts and expense claims, which can take a while! After completing the credit cards, there is more email checking to do, so I am up to speed with anything that has come in; any invoices, queries or payments that need to be processed.
Ruth: I generate a weekly load plan which I then send to our haulage providers so they have all the information required from us ready to make deliveries to our wonderful customers!
Chloe: The end of my day is rounding up on admin, making sure everything I needed to process has gone through and making a list of jobs I need to do the next day. My last task of the day is sending out invoices and credits to customers. After that is done, I shut down my computer and head home. I like to come in prepared as I am quite pre-occupied at home in the evenings with my new puppy, Lexie!
Ruth: Very similar on this end! Tie up all ends that I am able to, and check for any last-minute orders. Luckily, when I get home, I get to just chill.